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The Revitalization of Bronzeville


It‘s early morning in Bronzeville and the streets are bustling with activity.


We watch store owners opening their shops to welcome the community to preview and purchase their products and services. We see residents from all walks of life embarking on their day. Whether they are preparing for work; listening to the laughter of children excitedly heading to school; watching neighbors engaging in pleasantries as their pets meet for their own brief exchange; enjoying the aroma of freshly mowed grass that dresses the lawns of the beautiful vintage brownstones and gray stones that adorn the magnificent boulevards of Michigan, King and Drexel; or, seeing people smiling as they raise their hands to acknowledge the patrol officers connecting with members of the community while walking the streets of the community.


These exchanges are the vision of the Bronzeville Neighborhood Collaborative organization. Our members, through their passion, commitment and investment believe that vision in their hearts and minds. It is our belief that the Revitalization of Bronzeville is all about turning challenges into opportunities. Historic Bronzeville was the mecca of opportunity for African-Americans who migrated from the south. What they built was phenomenal in the early 1900’s!


Whether the community listened to blues or jazz; talked politics; rubbed shoulders with the wealthy; or embarked on entrepreneurship or homeownership…it happened here in Bronzeville. 


The Bronzeville Neighborhood Collaborative is a mighty group of invested individuals who, in August of 2013, decided to be the difference in the community by collaboratively listening to and working with residents, aldermen and business owners to strengthen this jewel called Bronzeville. The goal of the Bronzeville Neighborhood Collaborative is to encourage people to be the difference; to speak positively about the community; and be vocal about their desires for the Bronzeville community.


This revitalization for the new Bronzeville in the 21st century is about creating a community that works to achieve community for everyone. The Bronzeville Neighborhood Collaborative has begun. We welcome all of you to join us on this opportunity of the Revitalization of Bronzeville.


-Beverly Washington, BNC Board Member

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